There’s so many squirrels in Port Coquitlam. I mean, you can practically hear them scurrying through the underbrush as you walk along the Traboulay trail. That is, if you can’t actually see them jumping from tree to tree.

I’m pretty sure there’s two squirrels to every person. (Which is pretty much the same ratio as guns to Americans). Hence the expression: “Like bringing two squirrels to a gun fight”. Which seems oddly specific until you learn about Port Coquitlam’s demographics.
Seriously though, I’d like to see somebody do a census. I wouldn’t want to be in charge of it though. Not unless they provided me with 1) a whole lot of nuts, 2) an effective queuing system (could be short in height but must be quite long) and 3) a talented interpreter (pretty sure squirrels speak something similar to Japanese).
I’ll admit I’ve thought a lot about this. What else is there to do on long walks?