“On the other hand, you have different fingers.”
Stephen Wright
They say you can tell everything you need to know about someone by looking at their hands.
Ok, nobody says that but as I stand on the skytrain, staring at all the hands holding onto this bar, it seems like it could be a saying.
Nonetheless, a person’s hands and nails probably do reveal some important things about their hygiene and health, which seem pretty important. But what else might they reveal? Can you deduce if they’re a spender or saver? Liberal or Conservative? Netflix or Prime?
I’m always surprised by how many people have truly ugly hands. You see so many pretty hands in ads and somehow you convince yourself that that’s how hands should look. But then you get on a train and see all the chipped polish, pitted nails, calluses and dry and flaking skin.
Readers Digest does suggest that there are legitimatly ten health conditions your hands might predict; from arthritis, to kidney conditions, to blood pressure issues. Feel free to click on the hyperlink and diagnose yourself with some deadly condition; personally I’m on track for liver failure. A more light hearted interpretation of your hands can be found here.
Handwriting analysis is always good fun too.
If the hands do legitimately hold clues, could there be any truth to Palmistry? Having done absolutely no research on the topic I’d say, likely only in as much as humans generally fall into certain broad categories, have shared experiences and corresponding patterns of behaviour. I’m only guessing but there are probably like 3 reasons anyone consults a physic (love advice, grieving or career advice?). In other words, if you can deduce which of the three your customer is fixated on, and talk convincingly on the topic, then you’ve likely got the job.
But I’m just another skeptic and where’s the fun in that?
In the end, triming your nails and a little hand lotion can go a long way.