Money, time or intelligence, a hypothetical.

Money, time or intelligence, a hypothetical.

It’s time for a hypothetical. If you haven’t played this game before: I come up with a thought provoking question for you to ponder. Sometimes it’s just a choice between two undesirable options (i.e. would you rather have sex with your sibling or a bear) and other times, it’s a choice between extremely desirable options, none of which I can deliver on. Any way you look at it, it’s a real win-win.

So here’s the question, would you rather have:

  1. $10,000
  2. your intelligence increased by 10%
  3. 10 extra years of life (your body will reset to what it was 10 years ago but otherwise everything  in your life would be the same)

I have to admit my immediate reaction was to choose the $10,000. It requires zero work and provides instant gratification. However, my clever husband quickly pointed out the limitations of this choice. For instance, if you choose to live 10 more years (ten more ‘prime’ years at that), you can easily save more than $10,000. What’s more, with your 10 additional years you can take some courses and increase your own intelligence.

However, even if my intelligence were increased by 10%, I’m not convinced I’d apply that intelligence effectively to make a discernible difference in my life (i.e. to make more money). I think I might be better served by a 10% boost in confidence instead. Because being more intelligent doesn’t necessarily mean an easier or better life. So much depends on the application of that intelligence.

Regardless, I still think there’s some validity to my gut response to simply take the $10,000. Sure it’s sacrificing potentially limitless rewards for instant gratification but I don’t think that necessarily makes you shallow or short sighted. I think that actually makes you kind of perceptive. You clearly know that plans that take 10 years to play out don’t always go the way you’d imagined and that intelligence for intelligence sake can ring hollow. Why not take immediate, tangible results?

Having said all that deep shit, I’ll tell you that I settled for 10 extra years and graciously offered my husband 5 of my 10 additional years (it’s going to be weird if I’m super young and energetic and he’s not. Right?) and he countered that he’s going to need at least 6 years, due to men dying younger and his advanced age (he’s 4 years older). He’s not wrong.

The question is: what choice would you make?

One thought on “Money, time or intelligence, a hypothetical.

  1. Reply
    2023-08-03 at 11:06 AM

    Interesting choices! As a senior, I’m definitely going for the $10,000.00. If the extra 10 years came with good health assurances and a no-getting-hit-by-a-truck insurance, I might consider that option. As far as intelligence goes, would me being smarter make any difference in my daily life or how I impact the world, or would I just be another know-it-all with no real solutions to the problems the collective is dealing with? With the $10,000, I can perhaps purchase better health assistance, or take a trip and learn more about the world … or invest in something to make my remaining 10-25 years more comfortable. Thanks for the exercise!

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