I did Dry Feb again this year. Which, as you may know, is a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society wherein you swear off alcohol for the month of February and people show their support for your sacrifice by donating; all to raise money for a good cause.
Jaimie joked that once I’m done with Dry February we should get together for Margarita March. Which sounds fantastic and got me thinking: could we come up with fun themes to do each month of the year? (Alliteration being critically important of course). Let’s see: Asshole April? Masturbation May? Jazzy June? Jammy July? Avocado August? Sarcastic September? Overcoat October? Nasty November? Dijon December?

But perhaps that’s a little too open ended? We should probably stick to alcoholic beverages – or foods – to be featured. Although there’s something about the ambiguous mix that’s undeniably amusing. I mean, what exactly is Asshole April? I hope it’s not a culinary event. Totally down with Jammy July and Avocado August on the other hand.
Also, we probably need some direction as to how often to engage in the monthly taste/behaviour/clothing? I think at least once a week; probably on the weekend. But it’s recommended to have cut outs of the monthly image hung about your home and office. Origami and stickers are encouraged. And gift samplers to co-workers may help to make things extra special. Maybe skip April and May. I mean who even needs a basket of assholes anyway?
It’s all about as arbitrary as most of these National/International/World Food Holidays; like National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day (January 3rd), National Hamburger Day (May 28th) or Ice Cream and Violins Day (December 13th). I mean, who even decides those? Can I declare any day I want anything I want? And if someone in another country joins me, is it an international event? Well now I just feel drunk with possibilities! Which is about the only thing I’m getting drunk on these days.
Although perhaps it’s not truly legit until it has a Wikipedia entry? Now there’s a goal.
But first things first: who wants to join me in celebrating Margarita March?
2022-02-20 at 11:31 AMHah! I’ll join you. However, I think Margarita March might be wishful thinking spurred on by Dry Feb. Which, by the way, would need to be renamed: Fizzy non-alcoholic drink Feb, F synonyms being scarce? And I protest Overcoats for October, my favorite month, although the choices are limited: Onion, Olive, Okra, Oatmeal, Octopus?