It’s important to know and respect your limitations. Whatever they may be.
Maybe you’re selfish, maybe you’re lazy, maybe you’re naïve by nature. Maybe you lack money or have a bad knee. Maybe you’re too fast to anger or tend to get anxious and overwhelmed by crowds. Whatever your limitations, it’s important to be aware of them, how they affect you and how to work with them.

However, it’s equally important to periodically forget your limitations and be surprised by what you’re capable of.
And it’s not that you were wrong or that your limitations didn’t exist. They are real. But they’re not stable, solid, unchanging – rather they ebb and flow, come and go. They’re dynamic; like life itself.
And so, every so often you forget your own limitations and do things you once thought impossible. You exceed your own expectations and you’re reminded that life is fluid, magical and full of possibilities.
It always has been.