

‘The time has come,’ the walrus said, ‘to talk of many things: of shoes and ships – and sealing wax – of cabbages and kings.’

Lewis Carroll

I have these leather sneakers, Scandinavian design. Stylish stuff.

They’re made from one continuous piece of leather and treated with banana slug slime to repel water.

Or at least that’s the story I made up when I accidentally crushed a series of banana slugs on my morning walks.

Honestly I feel awful; so awful I apologized. The slug was not moved. He didn’t move at all.

Ok, the attempt at humour is only making this worse.

Seriously though, slugs are everywhere on this path. I’d say it was mating season if I didn’t know better. But apparently slugs mate year round.

And they’re simultaneous hermaphrodites; so they exchange sperm with their mate. All of which strikes me as very modern, equitable arrangement. And just a bit leftist.

Apparently their slime contains pheromones to attract other slugs; so my shoes are probably giving off some pretty powerful pheromones at this point.

I always knew they were attractive.

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