I was telling my friends that other day that it’s nice that we’re all ambiverts, that is neither introverted nor extroverted but rather able to switch between the two as the situation requires. But instead of saying “ambiverts” I accidentally said “omniverts”.

If “omni” means “all”, as in omnipotent (all powerful), omniscience (all knowing) or omnipresence (everywhere at the same time or all present); then I’ve declared myself all things “vert”.
And if “vert” means “to turn” as in divert (aside, to turn), introvert (to the inside, to turn) or pervert (thoroughly, to ill effect, to turn), then as a self declared omnivert (albeit accidentally), I suppose I am a diverting, introverted pervert.
But perhaps that’s already obvious?
Read more about ambiverts here.